Commentary to the 29th Æthyr:
2. In the East. He thus represents the immediate future; and this is dark, bewildering, and terrifying.
4. The Bull is Osiris or Jesus; he complains of the terrible things that are happening, especially the Freedom (which he thinks shamelessness) of Woman. He does not understand the New Æon, or that he is about to be destroyed. He is in the West, i.e. going into Oblivion. Cf. West in the 30th Æthyr (note 9.)
5. The severest aspect of Justice - Libra.
6. Nuit.
7. The LVX Cross hidden in the Swastika is probably the Arcanum here connoted. This Cross on Mars square adds to 65 = Adonai (
8. [Lat., “Light in light, Christ in the Cross; with God the eternal leader.”]
This is but the beginning of a sort of hymn. It was never written down, the Seer being unable to hear it properly. These four lines are in fact probably incorrect, and certainly incomplete. There were four more lines which he failed to hear - from fear of getting them wrong. [These highly problematical Latin phrases are deleted in the MS: “Multio laudis / Coram claudis / Milu cordis / A Deo.”]
9. [Lat., “forever and ever.”]
10. Daleth = The Gateway. [Crowley’s source was the Alphabet of the Passing of the River in Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, book III, chap. 30, where the daleth differs from that give above; see also Francis Barrett, The Magus, book II, chap. 16. It was used in the MS, which reads “an extremely brilliant
11. [The day of the week was blank in the first edition, and mistakenly given as